Friday 27 September 2013


My Comments:
This post shows the results that we received from peers from the questions that we asked them on the questionnaire. We asked them these questions because we felt that the answers they would provide would help us narrow down a genre to choose and which famous actors to act similar to. Overall, I think the results of this survey (which have been tallied up) have contributed to giving us a good understanding of the type of film we want to produce, which is a film in the thriller genre.

Monday 23 September 2013


Analysis of ‘se7en’ (1995):

The opening titles sequence of Se7en lasts for 2 minutes; the music sequence starts off slow with the tempo picking up towards the end when the title of the film is introduced, the music could be portrayed as intimidating because it sounds like that could be associated with danger, and along with the images on the screen of someone using a razor blade to cut off their fingerprints it can be seen as scary. The opening shot is of someone flicking through a book in an extreme close up shot, there is a lack of light which could suggest that the person does not want anyone else to read what is inside and that he could be alone in the room. Also, the fact that we do not know anything about the book, it creates enigma.
Where there is a shot of a razor blade in someone’s hand, it could be suggested that this person is trying to protect their identity, this could be because they might have committed a crime or are wanted by someone. Further on in the sequence there is a pile of newspapers and we see blood drip down on them, or we perceive it to be blood anyway, it could set an idea in the audiences mind that there could be a death later on in the film. Lastly, there is a shot of the word ‘God’ being cut out of a newspaper, the connotations of God are based around the idea of ethics, faith and morals. This could mean that the person is religious in some way. A lot of enigma and atmosphere is created to make the audience want to carry on watching the film
The colour and lighting in this sequence is a sickly yellow to associate with ageing and perhaps death which is very effective for setting the mood of the film. We get a sense of psychotic behaviour through the crossing out of words and the extreme close-up of the pen and fingers. It’s like the title sequence is drawing us in so close to the action that we can’t look away.


My Comments:
I have created this prezi from the A4 plan that i have made on the post previous to this, this response to brief goes into more detail about the props and costumes that I would like to include in a possible chase scene. These are just the initial ideas and are not definite decisions on what we are going to include.

Friday 20 September 2013


My Comments:
This A4 sheet that I have scanned onto the blog includes some initial ideas that I am thinking about including in the opening scene. I have outlined as much as possible but have decided to make a prezi (which will be posted next) to explain some of my ideas and new ideas that i haven't explained in the above picture.

Thursday 19 September 2013


My Comments:
Our target audience is mainly older teenagers and young adults; this is because this age range finds chase scenes more intriguing to watch and I think it is a good teaser to make people want to watch the film. When someone watches a trailer or a scene from a film they want to watch something that will make them want to watch the rest of the film, we can see from the results of our questionnaire that the trailer has a big influence on whether the person wants to watch the film or not, our questionnaire also reveals that audiences of our age enjoy watching films that have a good storyline and are a mystery as in you don't know what is going to happen next. James Bond was mentioned as among one of the favourite actors and many of his films contain intense chase scenes.

Saturday 14 September 2013


My Comments:
This is the preliminary task that I have completed along with two other group members prior to starting the main opening scene that I are doing for my AS coursework. This task was mainly focused on using a variety of different shots that keep the audience engaged and providing a storyline that will make the audience want to watch more. In our task we have displayed a range of shots such as over the shoulder shots and two shots, I think a strength that we showed in this task was our ability to edit the footage and create good match on action, an example is when one character is exiting through the door and the timing between the shot of the door opening from the inside and then from the outside is almost perfect, as it displays good continuity.